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10 Web Hosting Terms Every Site Owner Should Know

10 Web Hosting Terms Every Site Owner Should Know

If the growth of your business relies on a functional and responsive website, then you should take hosting seriously. Get the wrong web hosting, and your business is in danger. Having a clear understanding of the meaning of these terms will not only save your business but help you understand how websites work. Website hosting companies don’t have the time to explain all of these to you. Learn about 10 essential website hosting terms for the sake of your business.

Domain Name Server (DNS)

The internet is represented in IP addresses. Yes, those numbers with dots in the middle. They are very annoying. Imagine if we have to type that number anytime we need to visit a website? That will be hell. Domain name server is the hero to thank for taking all those numbers away and making them available in easy to remember alphabets. So, when you type in the website address, the name server changes it into the numbers and help us locate the site we are looking for.

SSL Certificate

The SSL Certificate is the hallmark of security for your website. Every day, thousands or millions of people visit your website for different reasons. Once installed, the SSL ensures that all connection to your website is secured and no other entity or intruder is eavesdropping on the conversation. Hosting sites like Just Host offer SSL certification services to protect their clients which is why it’s best to go for a brand name web hosting provider. SSL certificate is equipped with powerful security details including cryptography, padlock, and encryption to protect sensitive information, increase visitor loyalty, and ensure trustworthiness.


The cPanel, also known as the control panel is just like the control panel on your personal computer. It provides all the tools needed to make changes to your website and make it function the way you want. Through the control panel, you can upload files, pictures, and codes to your website. You can check your disk storage space used to make sure you are not running out of space. cPanel also allows you to redirect settings, manage email accounts, look at your logs, and set up additional security.


The sitemap is a website hosting tool for guiding search engines around your websites. Search engines regularly check websites for new content, so they can index it. Search engine bots have no way of finding your content, in the endless wilderness that is your site. The work of the sitemap is to facilitate content modification and categorization and help you get discovered faster. A sitemap is important for SEO because the faster and easier it is to find new content on your site, the better your ranking on search engine results.

URL or Universe Resource Locator

The URL is essentially the web address you type or click that gets your visitors to your website, e.g. For easy cataloging and searching, every post, page, or image on your website has its own URL, which is an extension of the main URL. Your URL is very important because it is like your address that directs visitors or customers to your website. No two website, page, or post have the same URL.

Domain Name

The domain name is what people usually refer to as the website address. It is a combination or your company, brand, or product name, and the extension. Having a unique and easy-to-remember domain name is essential for proper branding and SEO. Your domain name establishes your company’s credibility, saves time and money, and make you relevant. Domain name extension can be used to categorize your business e.g., .org for an NGO, .com for a company, .edu for an educational establishment etc.


A server is a computer that houses your website content and delivers it to people when they demand it by clicking on your website. In web hosting, servers are very crucial to the overall operation and visitor experience. This is because when people click on your link, it is the server that sends the requested webpage to them, using the HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol. There are basically two types of servers including Linux servers and Windows servers, named after the operating systems on which they run.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is a type of hosting that involves hosting a number of accounts on a single hard drive in a server. Most people use shared hosting because it is the cheapest and is ideal for a small website, blogs, etc. If your business attracts a lot of visitors and runs heavy video files, you might want to avoid shared hosting and select other forms of hosting to avoid disappointment, the Hosting Wiki experts provide more info on this issue. Even if you signed up for shared hosting, your hosting company will be able to upgrade you to a higher hosting service to cater to your needs.

Content Management System (CMS)

There are many ways a website can be built and managed. One of the most popular methods is to make use of a content management system. CMS is user-friendly, which means you can make quite a lot of changes without hiring a developer. CMS is also very useful for workflow, process management, data automation, and makes it easy for sharing of content. With a CMS a site owner can upload pictures, videos, articles, blog posts, and other types of content without the help of an expert or developer. CMS promotes simplicity, allow multiple users, facilitate better content management, and give the user complete control. Two of the most popular CMS platforms available today are Joomla and WordPress.

Dedicated Server Hosting

Hosting your website on a dedicated server means you have an entire server to yourself. With a dedicated server, there is no limit to what you can achieve. You can install multiple applications and plugins to help improve your business. Dedicated server means you have a unique IP address, which enhances performance, flexibility, and security.

Web hosting terms are easy to learn and understand. As a business owner, it is essential you know all the items on this list even if you’re hiring an expert to handle your website hosting services on your behalf.

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