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6 Startups Changing the Way we do Business


The world is coming to terms with the reality that machine learning, data collection, artificial intelligence. And automation in the workplace will be vital components and characteristics of the modern workplace. This, of course, will come with the need for all of us to adapt or perish into irrelevance.
For startups, the problem is perhaps amplified by the fact that they are trying to penetrate markets already characterized by these modern innovations in ways that will see them not only make an instant impact but also remain relevant for the foreseeable future. That’s no small challenge, whichever way you look at it.

Here’s a look at some of the tech startups that seem to be overcoming. The new challenges facing their respective industries and niches. They are definitely worth keeping a look out for in 2018.


With a business motto like Turn brands into religions’, we can do little else but pay attention to these guys. Their business model involves making use of customer segmentation, positioning, targeting, and brand touch-point researching to strengthen their client’s image.

how to invest in stocks. The promise from Qualtrics CEO Ryan Smith to their clients is that they’re set on preparing solutions that will see them through all the turbulence and upheavals the future seems to hold in store for all of us.


Employers and employees alike will be feeling the sea-shift in hiring processes with the mainstream adoption of Tilr. which automatically pairs potential employees with the companies. Their skills are compatible with, stripping away all other biases and prejudices.

With a stated objective of closing the global skill gap and a philosophy that places great importance on taking care of employees. Tilr attracted $5 million startup capital and has its eyes set on entering 16 to 19 markets by year’s end.


This Berlin-based asset-free freighting solution seeks to put a dash of technological wizardry into the freight forwarding sector. Within one and a half years of their launch, they had managed to attract $20 million in their first round of fundraising. The company’s aim is to bring the somewhat stolid and old-fashioned tradition. And practices of the freight industry into the modern context, keeping it relevant, exciting, and ultimately profitable.


Considered to be the fastest-growing work chat and enterprise application. Slack pulled off an impressive fundraising drive amounting to $790 million within ten rounds. When you hear chatter about giant industry players such as Amazon expressing. Their interest in buying out the startup for $9 billion, you know they must be doing something very right. Microsoft and Atlassian are reported to have taken a second look at their industry-related offerings once they noted Slack’s successful model.

What Slack did is reinvent and optimize just how free, open, and customizable the workplace chat-room concept may be.


This startup has some rather unique roots, having seen its birth funded by $1.3 million provisioned by Peter Gabriel, the Genesis front-man. What Ctrlio does is basically provide subscribers with a cost-free price comparison service accomplished through an analysis of your online billings. You won’t have to fill out any forms here.

The idea is to provide the very best deals and discounts to the attention of their clients. Especially when current contracts are set for renewal or expiry, which is undeniably the best time to do so. The fact that they pledge to make their recommendations as free from bias as possible by staying away from paid promotions will be a plus for potential clients. Oh, and by the way, the name is pronounced Control-ee-o’.


Data is big business in today’s world, and Illinois-based Uptake makes us the lofty promise of changing the way we make use of it. With the inter-connectivity and commodification of technology today, the company’s model is to take a close look at all the recordable and quantifiable data sets available and uses them to formulate shortcuts, deals, and innovations for the said technology’s users.

The cyber-security industry has become a great client for Uptake as the company makes use of data science. And machine learning to make the average customer’s life just a little bit more convenient. With a $45 million venture capital injection in 2015 and a great track record so far. We can only expect to see bigger and better things from Uptake in the future.

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