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Campaign Monitor API – Configuration with Coming Soon Pro Plugin


The Campaign Monitor API allows your users to interact and “sync” with your Campaign Monitor account via “Coming Soon Pro” plugin.

Emails are most powerful when they’re personalized. Campaign Monitor easy-to-use tools, yet powerful tools allow you to send hyper-targeted campaigns and deliver relevant content to the right person at the right time.

Campaign Monitor REPORTING AND ANALYTICS : (Test, track, optimize, and repeat)

In Campaign Monitor  you can see, How your emails are performing in real time with interactive analytics on campaign activity. See how your audience is engaging with your emails, sharing your content and which calls to action are most effective.

In our “Coming Soon Pro” plugin, API include: *Automatically sync subscribers list between Campaign Monitor and Plugin. *Create and send custom email campaigns to segments of subscribers built on the fly. *Once you integrate between plugin and  Campaign Monitor account, You can saved new subscriber in selected list *Automatically create a client account, set billing and load it with ready-to-send templates. The API uses RESTful protocol and responses are formatted in XML or JSON.



How it is work with coming soon pro, Please check ” Campaign Monitor API with “Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode Pro ” plugin  (blog under development ) ”


  1. Install the plugin manually by uploading a ZIP file ( Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode Page ).
  2. Once the plugin has been installed, click Activate.
  3. Navigate to Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode Page > Subscriber > Subscriber options
  4. Select Campaign Monitor from Email Carrier Type.
  5. Enter your Campaign Monitor API key.
  6. Click Save Settings.

After your account is verified, Campaign Monitor account will used as subscriber form directly in your plugin theme.

Easy steps on Campaign Monitor Login

First Click on to forward you on Campaign Monitor homepage. Once you land on Campaign Monitor login screen, click on “Login” button, which is look like below image.



Once you click on it, you’ll redirect on login box where you’ll need to enter your username/email and password. After entering, click on “Login”.


Campaign Monitor Sign Up

It’s for free and is easy to create a Campaign Monitor account, just follow these simple steps to quickly create an account.

Easy steps :

  • First go to Once you will on Campaign Monitor homepage. Simply click on “SIGN UP” button.



Once you click on it, you’ll redirect on Sign Up box where you’ll need to enter your and company name, email ID and password. After entering, click on “CREATE MY ACCOUNT”.



After Sign Up, You will redirect on Account welcome page. Where you can choose one of two Campaign Monitor Account email communication edition.


Where You Can Find API Key?

Campaign Monitor have two edition for user direct edition”Single client” and “Multi-client ” Edition. So you can find your API key in one of two places, depending on which edition of Campaign Monitor you’re using. You’ll know you’re using the multi-client edition if the menu option “Clients” is in the navigation:

Multi-client edition API key



If not, see where to find your API key for the direct edition.

Follow below steps to get API key

  1. First, You have verified your account to access your API key. For verified your account, You can done by clicking the verification link in the email Which is sent you after your Campaign Monitor account was created. If you can’t find the verification email, please contact support.
  2.  If you don’t see “Account Settings,” You need to click Clients first to go in a client view.
  3. Now to access your API key, click Account Settings in the top navigation bar.

On the next page, below your company name and other details, click Show API Key as pictured here:

Before verify your account you can’t see API key as below link.



After verify your account you can see API key as below link with above image.



Tip: You can authenticate with OAuth instead of an API key.

Direct edition API key


You’ll know you’re using the direct edition if there is a Campaign Monitor logo at the top left:


If not, see where to find your API key for the multi-client edition.


You can only access your API key after you have verified your account. This is done by clicking the verification link in the email we sent you after your Campaign Monitor account was created. If you can’t find the verification email, please contact support.To access your API key, click your profile image at the top right and select Manage Account. On the next page, click API keys, then click Show API Key as pictured here:

Tip: You can authenticate with OAuth instead of an API key.

Subscriber list API details

For information on developing your own applications to integrate with Campaign Monitor, view our API documentation. It will help you work your way through every stage of the setup process, including instructions for finding things like list ID information.

Important: Your API key grants access to your account and all of its data, so only use it with trusted third-party websites and applications.


Integrate with Plugin 

In last steps, You was got your Campaign Monitor API key.  Now you can get integrate your Campaign Monitor account with coming soon pro plugin in some simple steps

  1. Navigate to Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode Page > Subscriber > Subscriber options
  2. Select Campaign Monitor from Email Carrier Type.
  3. Enter your Campaign Monitor API key.
  4. Click Save Settings.

  1. Now you can see the Campaign Monitor campaign client list
  2. Select any one client list from select box
  3. then Click again on Save Settings.



Now your “Campaign Monitor” account integrate with “Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode Page pro” plugin is successfully


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