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Hosting Your Own WordPress Site vs Using a Platform: Which Option is the Best?



A lot of people are thinking about hosting their own websites these days. For one, there is a higher concern for privacy as a result of the various data breaches that many big brands have been the victim of. A lot of people nowadays are using WordPress to run eCommerce sites that process a lot of personal information. They want to have the feeling that they have more control over the information, and they do, but there are things that they have to be aware of first. Here’s a rundown of both options and the pros and cons of each so you can make a wiser decision.

DIY Hosting

One of the best things about hosting your own website is that you can upgrade your servers whenever you want and not have to be throttled by other people on the same server. In addition, you also don’t have to pay for the bandwidth you aren’t using. You have physical control over the server and can monitor it, make adjustments, and troubleshoot if there are any issues. You’ll also have more control over performance, the operating environment, and web storage.

However, with more control comes more responsibility, and you have to deal with the possibility of someone tampering with the data, or human error. Then there’s the issue of accidents and natural disasters. This is why you’ll need to have a recovery plan in place if anything happens.

It would be wise to have a recovery service on hand at all times if you decide to go that route. A data recovery service like Secure Data Recovery can help you not only recuperate data but find out who and where a data breach originated from. As a dedicated server owner, it will be your responsibility to set physical and software barriers around your data and you’ll be fully responsible for any breach that happens.

Hosting Platforms

The first benefit of working with a hosting provider is the price. You can get a basic hosting plan for as little as $5 per month these days. But don’t expect to get top of the line performance at this price. This should be for people who only need a utilitarian solution for a small website with low to moderate traffic. If someone else on the server ends up getting a surge in traffic, it could have an effect on your site’s performance.

Hosting companies also have solid safeguarding systems in place, and the chances of losing data due to human action or damage are very slim.

So, what is the Best Option?

Hosting yourself could be a good option if you want to have control over your data at all times, and have the means to protect it. If you have a team you can trust, then this could be a good way to save in the long run if you use a lot of bandwidth. Using a provider is a better option if you’re just getting started and need a website to have an online presence. It’s also a good option if you aren’t getting much traffic and don’t have the means to secure and maintain a server properly.

Now that you know a bit more about each option and what they have to offer, you’ll be able to make a better decision based on your needs. Make sure to weigh up both of these, and don’t hesitate to ask for a second opinion on both sides so you’ll know what to expect.

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