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Why Should Your Team Use Performance Engineering App Management

performance engineering app management


According to a study released by Google, over 50 percent of mobile app and website users abandon programs that take over three seconds to load.

In order to make an app that appeals to the modern consumer, you have to ensure that your program is reliable and lightning fast. The average consumer has a shorter attention span.

Utilizing the power of performance engineering app management is a must when trying to create a wildly successful app. Programs like Papetrail provide log management for app developers with the tools needed to monitor their programs with ease.


Are you unsure about why using performance engineering app management is so important? If so, read below to find out more about this practice and what it can do for your app.

Ensuring Apps Work With Legacy Programs

If you are developing an app to run alongside established legacy programs, you need to use performance engineering app management to ensure this process is successful. Many of the older legacy programs on the market have outdated infrastructures that can be very hard to work around. Failing to monitor how well your app responds to these types of infrastructures can create a lot of problems.

Including load testing as part of your app quality assurance cycle is a great idea. Before you reach the quality assurance stage of your app’s life, you need to put it through the paces before launch. Adequately testing your app will give you an idea of what problems may exist. Addressing performance issues before your app is put into the hands of the general public is vital.

Using basic performance engineering practices can be very helpful when trying to weed out any problems your app may have. Once a developer has written the code for their program, they need to use profiles to ensure the code they are committing performs at optimal levels.

While being this through may slow down the app development process, it is essential when trying to avoid performance problems with a new program.


Why Is Using Performance Engineering Important?

The basic reason behind the use of performance engineering is to anticipate any issues that may arise from the widespread use of an app. Developers and businesses who use performance testing are able to discover problems early in the app development cycle.

The larger your app gets, the more expensive it will be to fix problems and bugs in the system. Rather than complicating matters due to a lack of foresight, you need to view performance engineering app management as a priority.

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Eliminate Performance Bottlenecks

Putting a new app through the paces by load testing will allow you to detect and fix potent performance bottlenecks. When these performance bottlenecks are left unfixed, they can cause an app to crash. Developers who utilize the power of performance engineering are able to stay a few steps ahead of the game.

When you consider just how many people use their mobile devices to access a particular app at any given time. You can easily see how performance issues can derail the success your app may have. Nearly 55 percent of all mobile transactions happen on apps. If you want to become a competitor in the fast-paced world of mobile apps, you have to make sure that your program works flawlessly.

Performance Engineering Provides You With a Great Return on Your Investment

The first thing most business owners want to know about performance engineering app management is the return they will earn. The main return you will see from this investment is a reduced amount of app reworking. If you have no idea about how your app will perform before launching it, chances are you will have a lot of alterations to make.

Instead of wasting lots of time and money on these types of alterations, you can load test your app beforehand. Your investment in performance engineering will also help you ensure if your app performs better for users. Providing your audience with a carefree and original app design can help you increase its popularity with ease.

Hard Work Today Equals Success Tomorrow

Instead of leaving the functionality of your app to chance, now is the time to embrace performance engineering app management. The time and effort you and your team put into this performance engineering will be well worth it in the future.



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