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Top Chrome Plugins to Help a Student with Study

To be a student in today’s day and age has to be something else. For those who have already made it through college, the tech boom came just too late. Nowadays, students have so many tools at their disposal that it is almost overwhelming to choose something.
The digital natives, as they called, grow up with digital tech, so they know how to navigate the web and get the most out of it. They even have services that advertise to write my assignment. Not all tools created equal, though, so here are some of the best chrome plugins to help you study.

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If you have ever taken a post-graduate degree, you will know that a good spell checker is essential. Grammarly is intuitive and will even help you with your grammar. Not only that, but it will make suggestions based on the content of your document.
Short of writing the assignment for me, it is the first plugin that you should get that will show you how to write a good assignment essay or dissertation.
If your assignment guide required perfect grammar and spelling, then look no further. It works perfectly for other writing work like thesis, term papers, college essays also.

Mercury reader

You might be asking yourself the questions, how am I going to write my university assignment, or how to write a report type assignment? The easiest answer to these questions would be to start reading. Although it seems like the obvious answer, it is quite a challenge nowadays.
When the internet started to become more popular, it was used for sharing information alone. Very little commerce or advertising was being done. Then people realized that they could expand their brands internationally and things started to get out of hand.
When you open a web page today, it is  littered with adverts and you struggle to find the info in the maze of useless graphics and distractions.
Mercury reader takes care of that for you and with the click of a button, it changes the content of the page so that you see only the info and none of the distractions. You will save heaps of time when you gather your info.

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Here is one of the coolest plugins that you need to get – Noisli. People are over-stimulated and struggle to focus on the task at hand when they need to study or do assignments. The distractions are just too great and we don’t hear the ambient sounds of nature anymore.
Luckily, there were some people who craved the outside world more than their office and the noise of traffic and other construction machinery.
So, they developed this plugin to play ambient natural sounds like rain and flowing water and the rustling of leaves while you type away at your next assignment. Once you start using this extension, you will wonder how you ever coped without it.

Block and focus

Social media is as addictive as drugs and when you need to use your computer and the internet to do assignments (which is pretty much all the time), it is difficult to keep your mouse at bay. Most people find it difficult to keep a strict working regime and often find themselves drifting away into other distractions.
Block and Focus is a nifty little tool that will help you to curb your social media craving by blocking certain sites that you know you waste a lot of time on. It isn’t foolproof, but it is a start at least. You’ll be amazed at how fast you actually get your work done when you aren’t pestered by your social media distractions.


If you think that all screenshot features are equal, then guess again. Fireshot stands head and shoulders above the rest as it takes intelligent screenshots. Whenever you need to capture a website and use your computer’s own screenshot feature, it captures everything, including the menu bar and other info that you need to crop out.
Fireshot only records or takes a snap of the webpage itself. It makes for a much more professional screenshot and you can even take an extended screen. It automatically scrolls to the bottom of the page and takes in all the info on the page, leaving you with something of an infographic of the page.
No more cutting and pasting and cropping and editing your screenshots. This one will save you many hours of frustration and help you get the info you want quickly and efficiently.


There are so many great plugins out there and you don’t need an arsenal of them to make your assignment life a bit easier. You can get by with a few key plugins to save you time and in many cases, money.
If you have ever said the words, I wish there was an app for that or a plugin for that. Then the chances are that someone has thought about it and it is floating around on the web. Your studies don’t have to be a nightmare or a struggle. The tools are there for the reaping.

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