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Which social network to use when promoting a business?

Many entrepreneurs create company profiles immediately in all social networks or only on Facebook. Usually, it is not necessary to do so. Choose a social network for promoting your business as consciously as you shape the goals and objectives. Many experts say that it is needed to advertise a business in all social networks just after its creation. This is only partly correct. However, this requires money and resources; content should be different and unique for each social network. How you will achieve your goals depends on the choice of a social network. Therefore, before taking a decision, go through three preparatory steps:

Whether you advertise guide to native casinos or smartphones – make your target audience analysis

Make a detailed portrait of the target audience. Prepare a few cards with a description of a potential user who is interested in your business. To promote NativeCasinos array or something else, make a structure of eight points.

  1. Gender;
  2. Age;
  3. City, region or country of residence;
  4. Education;
  5. Family status;
  6. Professional activity or field of work;
  7. Earnings
  8. Personal interests.

At the end of each card, write what goods you want to promote to each category of clients. Native Casinos team says that ideally, you need to add up the proportion of all customers they make up. In this way, you will see a big picture and it becomes easier to analyze the target audience preferences.


Conduct your website analysis

Open the site’s statistics and, first of all, pay attention to the referral sources. Even if you have not created communities and pages, traffic can come from social networks. If this is true, take a look at the most popular social network.

Secondly, study user demographics. See who visits your site, which sections or products are the most popular with user groups. Divide your audience into categories. Compare your customer insights with real data. Make adjustments to your audience cards.


Competitor analysis

This stage is the most difficult and time-consuming for any business promotion, including SMM. Knowing the social networks that give competitors traffic will help you to intercept it. In addition, pay attention to what publications are the most popular among users, what problems they encounter, and at what time they publish posts. Use third-party services such as FeedSpy, JagaJam, or Popsters for analytics. For a quick, free, and superficial analysis of competitors, create a table where you will type in, and then analyze the basic information.


Which social network does your audience use?

After you have prepared the audience cards, compare them with the real audience of social networks. The distribution of ages in social networks is on an average equivalent. However, if you need a maximum of a female audience, then it is better to follow them in, for example, on Instagram. For promotion among users from 12 to 24 years, go to YouTube. If you want to promote, for example, gaming  – Native Casinos experts suggest making an ad for people from 25 to 34 years and older on Facebook.


What opportunities does each social network open?


The most active audience on FB is entrepreneurs, politicians, experts, IT specialists. These people are more active in buying middle and premium products. The network has a huge number of opportunities for segmenting the audience and setting up targeted advertising. Using business pages, you can collect feedback and ratings. This social network is a perfect match for premium goods advertising.


The core audience is users from 18 to 29 years old. The platform is actively used to promote online clothing stores, handmade goods, and beauty salons because Instagram is primarily about visual content. Through Stories, you can quickly inform subscribers about ongoing promotions or new products. You can add contact details, and a physical address to the company profile to find you on the map quickly. For each publication, statistics are available, including impressions, reach, and engagement. The profile statistics reflect top publications, subscriber activity by time and day of the week, as well as user demographics.


To promote this network, you need to have video content. This can be a video blog of the company or the promotion of commercials. In the first case, the platform becomes a full-fledged media platform and In the second, it receives additional traffic to the site. In both cases, you spend money on creating video material and promoting it.

There are two promotion formats on YouTube: InStream and InDisplay. inStream TrueView – promotion with AdWords, you buy an ad in front of the main video on other people’s videos. Use it to customize targeted advertising. In Display also promotes through AdWords, but in a native format. Your video is published in the first two places of search results and next to the “recommended” videos.


So where to promote your business?

When a company goes to advertise on social networks, it is important to understand both customers and platforms. Facebook is suitable for any business, but the most effective products are being promoted there for a premium audience. If you have visual products, such as clothes or good, that you can shoot and photograph with different feeds, choose Instagram. Lastly, follow the young users on YouTube.


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