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YouTube Statistics and Insights for Marketers in 2020

Youtube marketing 2020

The activity on the marketing constantly changes, and it’s crucial for marketers to analyze it to get new insights and amend strategies accordingly.

YouTube Market Insights for 2020

Due to the complicated situation with COVID-19 and strict quarantine measures, most analysts predict a significant slowdown on the market in 2020. In the case of a negative scenario in global politics, the market is waiting for a large-scale correction. How does pandemic affect YouTube? Let’s take a look at the statistics you should know about.

COVID-19 Statistics that Marketers Should Know

COVID-19 has affected most businesses worldwide. The specialists register new cases every day, and the virus is growing quickly. Even when it slows down, companies are going to survive and recover from their losses. Most countries note the growth of the unemployment rate and retail sales. The changes have also led to a decrease of organic traffic and conversion for a number of industries.Let’s take a look at the chart below. It’s quite predictable that the interest in transportation and travel has dropped significantly whereas the figures for food and healthcare have increased by up to 35%.
It’s not surprising that people are also interested in the media due to the quarantine activities and lack of entertainment like museums, movie theaters, and restaurants. People need the latest update on coronavirus and financial information, so media websites see a large lift.

From the perspective of YouTube marketing, this is a nice opportunity to gain market share and attract a new audience.

Massive promotion is important digital marketing trends

One of the most important digital marketing trends is that large retailers launched massive promotions and sales in March to support their business. As the statistics below shows, these retailers had some peaks thanks to the site-wide sale, which increased traffic and visits.

Another interesting trend is related to pet adoption. As people are stuck at home, they feel lonely and isolated. That’s why the pet adoption niche is on the rise. From March 19th, average daily traffic and pageviews have increased.

As millions of people stay home, many of them have turned to video games. It’s safe entertainment and a way to communicate with friends online while keeping necessary social distancing. The chart below confirms the statistics for the industry:

You can use this data for your current YouTube channel or creating a new one. Concentrate on video gaming, food, and healthcare.

Think of useful content or recommendations for your subscribers. Use this surge in demand for the product you can offer. It can be a set of meals with no-contact delivery or a new game for free.

If you want to become a partner and get extra profit from advertising, join the platform’s official partner program and add AdSense account. They require a certain amount of views, and you can get them via special services and buy YouTube views on Tube.Biz. Upload more videos and get revenue to develop your brand and support the business.

YouTube User and Usage Statistics

Despite the recession and Coronavirus, YouTube remains one of the largest platforms, and its audience grows every day. As of the beginning of 2019, the platform had 2 billion users. More than 80% of 15-25 year-olds and 70% of adults above 25 use the platform daily. People upload 500 hours of video every minute. 70% of people follow the social media’s recommendation algorithm. More than 70% of the content is viewed via mobile.People spend more time watching reviews and feedbacks on various products. The factor is crucial for the purchase funnel and buying process.The companies The relevance to personal interests is much more important than production value. According to the U.S. stats, the platform will make more than 5 billion USD in advertising revenue this year. People stay home, and they watch more and more videos on YouTube.

YouTube Advertising and Marketing Statistics

What are the principal key takeaways you could use for your YouTube videos and company growth?
Note that people prefer watching content on the go while commuting to work or waiting for their coffee. Think of a mobile strategy that will be appropriate for any stage of purchasing funnel. Create simple, but different content. People upload a great amount of content daily, so they can get used to any information and get bored.According to Statista and Google, more than half of millennials search for how-to videos. Educate your customers with useful information to establish authority. Add new instructions, recipes, classes and training courses.Use a multichannel strategy. Upload your videos on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to figure out which kind of content does best on each source and optimize your video marketing.

Analysis positive and negative comment

Monitor feedbacks from YouTube users and analyze both positive and negative comments. Respond to them and take the feedback seriously. Your thoughtful response will improve your clients’ loyalty.

According to the stats from the Geena Davis Institute men speak twice as much as women in ads, but most views were from women-led ads.


We all hope that Corona virus passes soon. It’s high time to make some conclusions and pay attention to the current trends to develop a new strategy and grow your business during the economic downturn. Everyone can benefit from the 2020 trends. Stay indoors and try to implement these tips and recommendations to your channel.

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