Measure Your Email Marketing Performance

Being a businessman, you know the importance of email marketing. The weight it carries, as far as driving traffic to your site or marketing your business is concerned, is enormous and heavy and that is the reason why it is must to do.

But how to measure your email marketing performance is a big question here, as we know so many tools that can help us in email marketing but the measuring part is still somewhere in the dark. Let’s unravel the hidden secrets of how to measure your email marketing performance.

The Six Metrics To Be Considered

Reading, analyzing and taking insights from any of your email marketing campaigns can be troublesome and sometimes even painful because you are surrounded by a lot of numbers and aren’t sure of what the actually mean and that’s the biggest reason why sometimes small-medium business owners struggle a lot with the measuring part.

Reviewing your email marketing campaign is necessary as it explains opportunities to improve the impact of your email messages, boost more value to your customers and prospects, and finally building an interactive fan base.

Let us talk about the six metrics to be considered to measure your email marketing performance,

1. Sales

Sales are the top most priority for any size company and to see how much revenue your emails are successfully generating, you must track the sales that resulted from each individual email. Once you have current stats, it would be a lot easier for you to target right set of people with the right set of content and products.

How to increase Sales figure?

Review Your Content

Review your emails that are attracting higher-than-average revenue and those that have been total flops. What are you saying in the successful email that’s missing in the one that is not performing well? You may be inconsistently focusing on a need your subscribers have or are failing to generate their interest in the products or services you’re selling. Remember, your emails should focus on bringing value to your audience.

Send Targeted Messages To Those Who Didn’t Make A Purchase

If you are up and running a business from last few years, you must be well aware of the term ” Abandoned Basket “. These are the people who were on the verge of purchasing your product but somehow changed their mind and left the basket unpurchased. You should have a well designed abandoned basket email ready for these set of people and present them the same product in some different manner since sometimes presenting things differently can do the trick.

You can provide them a special coupon or some extra services to encourage them to purchase your product or service.

Split Email Tests

Still not sure why your emails are performing poorly? Consider conducting a simple split test on different variations (such as a different headline, call to action, design layout, etc.) of an email to help you identify your subscribers’ preferences.

2. Click Throughs

Click reports highlight those live links which are being clicked the most by your client base and which has not left it’s impression on the user and underperformed in your email campaign. To measure your email marketing performance, make sure you are keeping an eye on them.

How to increase click through rates?

Knockout Underperforming Content

If you notice a link isn’t attracting a lot of attention, consider changing the way you present the information (such as adding more enticing visuals) or removing it from future emails. Frequently including links that aren’t valuable to your audience may hurt their perception of your brand.

Publish Popular Content

If a link attracts a significantly higher number of clicks than others, continue featuring relevant content and links in upcoming emails. Find a new way to include it again, or share related products or news.

Targeted Emails Is The Key

If you have a specific set of subscribers who shows very strong interest in a unique content type, send them more relevant and niche surveyed data as per their interest block.

3. Number Of Opens

This report tells you how many people opened your email and when they opened it. Your open rates can reveal various insights, such as the strength of your subject lines and the best times to send an email to your subscribers.

How to even higher open rates?

Deliver Your Promise

Be clear about the content and benefits subscribers will get from your emails (e.g. helpful tips, industry news, coupons) and deliver on that promise. If they signed up for one of those reasons, they’ll be more likely to open your emails to get what they want.

Strong Subject Lines

They always say the first impression is the last. As far as emailing somebody is considered, this fact is true because a majority of people decide whether to open the email or not depending upon the subject line of the email. You have around 35 characters to leave a lasting impression – use this space carefully and be clear about what the email contains.

4. Unsubscribers

Discovering someone unsubscribed from your email list can be disheartening. But it’s a great opportunity to explore the reasons why they left and what you can do to bring them back or prevent others from leaving too.

If your emails are leaving you with lot of unsubscribers, make sure to

Ask Why They’re Leaving

Redirect those who want to unsubscribe from your emails to a unique landing page that asks them why they’re leaving. Consider using their feedback to help shape and improve future emails.

Reevaluate Your Email Marketing Practices

Make sure you’re setting your emails up for success and taking care of the basics. This includes using confirmed opt-in (people are less likely to unsubscribe to an email if they take the extra step to confirm their subscription) and setting accurate expectations as to what subscribers will receive in your emails.

Always Try To Build New Subscribers

To lessen the impact an unsubscribed subscriber leaves, be sure to remain proactive in collecting new email sign-ups each month. This will also help you grow your list over time.

5. Drive Traffic

To acquire a sale, you have to direct your consumers on the specific set of pages as per their need. Traffic reports reveal how many subscribers are going to your website.

As yourself some questions,

How Consistent Your Emails Are?

When you initiate sending regular emails to your subscribers, make sure you have content and designs ready in advance to shoot, as inconsistent emails can cause subscribers to forget about why they have signed up to your list or which brand are you.

Call To Action Should Be On Its Place

Call to Action buttons plays a major role in diverting your traffic to the correct place. A hidden call to action will be of no use since no one really knows where it is and where will it redirect. Whether your user is being redirected to your homepage or some blog post, make sure there is always a logical next step your audience can take.

Link Back To Your Site

Make sure to sprinkle relevant links that link back to your site in the email as this helps to drive traffic to your website and other branded properties you own. Make sure the links you are inserting are not broken or being directed to a 404 page. These little things will help you to measure your email marketing performance with ease.

What Value Your Content Holds?

If your emails don’t pass the “What’s in it for me?” test, it’s time to re-think your email content strategy. Address the needs of your customers and prospects by delivering information that interests them.

6. Deliverability

If the stats for one email are unusually low compared to others (or if your bounce rate is abnormally high), your emails may not be reaching your subscribers’ inboxes. While many factors can influence email deliverability, it’s commonly caused by a high number of spam complaints. The more subscribers mark your messages as spam, the greater the likelihood that an internet service provider (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Outlook), may place future messages in junk folders.

Spam rates should be below 0.1 percent. To maintain a high deliverability, it’s important that you adhere to the tips mentioned throughout this guide, such as:

Sending valuable content.
Emailing frequently.
Sending segmented messages.


So, these are the six metrics to be considered to measure your email marketing performance, hope you liked the blog post. I know it’s a bit lengthy to read but it’s worth it.

Comment below if you have any question about the blog post.

And yes make sure you have read the first two parts of this blog post Grow Your Business With Email Marketing and Email Marketing Tips and Tricks.

And yes if you are looking some SEO Tips and SEO Tips for WordPress Owners, read them out here.

Keep reading, Keep sharing!

Danish Ansari

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