Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us.

Effective From October 17, 2013

Use of Personal Information
We collect the following personal information from you
– Name
– Email
– Address
– Account Identifiers such as Username, Password

Use of above information
– Proceed Orders
– Approve Order Confirmation
– Provide Customer Services
– Provide Customer Support

Information Sharing
We never provide / share / sold any of Personal Information of our customers.

You can directly contact with us via our mail: lizarweb (at ) weblizar ( dot ) com

We may use cookies to keep track of preferences and information. Cookies are also used to collect usage and statistical information that does not collect personal information.

All personal information directly collected from you, is 100% secure. we follow industry standards to protect the customers personal information. If you have any queries or doubts then feel free to ask anytime at – lizarweb (at ) weblizar ( dot ) com.