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4 Ways to Improve Your Writing with WordPress Plugins

If you’re a blogger or a website owner, chances are you’re using WordPress to manage your content. It’s easy and very functional, which makes it a perfect choice for a personal blog or another writing-related business. If you are using WordPress, then you should know that there are some great writing plugins available for those who would like to improve their writing.

Since there are thousands of plugins available to download, we thought we’d help you to find the ones that can work for you by creating a list specifically for writers. So, in this article, we’re going to describe four WordPress plugins that can make a lot of difference for your writing business by helping you to improve your texts, automate tasks such as proofreading, and do many other things.

If you’re not a tech expert and would like to focus on the writing and creative parts of your job, feel free to check out the following plugins created specifically for you.

1. Proofread Your Text Automatically with WProofreader

Proofreading is obviously a critical consideration for all writers, and WProofreader helps with this task by automatically checking your writing as you go. The plugin underlines all mistakes it detects, thus letting you know about them right away.

You can create your own custom dictionary and save it to the cloud to be accessed from other devices. By combining the quick proofreading and personal dictionaries, the plugin can be very helpful for bloggers and other writers who work with WordPress on a daily basis. Also, proofreaders and editors working with remote writers will also find it helpful to check their work.

WProofreader has great reviews and is supported by all recent WordPress versions, so you won’t have any problems with installation and security updates.

If your language is other than English, you may still check WProofreader because it supports 14 languages (but only 6 are included in the free version).

2. Improve Writing Style with Content Style Guide and Grammar Checker

As a writer, you know that style consistency is an important strategy to follow. For example, brands often require content written in a unique style to maintain a consistent style and help readers recognize it from other content. Moreover, this contributes to increasing the quality of content, which is one of the main requirements according to Google’s official content guidelines.

If you’re looking to improve the style of your writing, you can check out Content Style Guide and Grammar Checker. It offers you a content style, which is a tool created by content producers to help with style and consistency of writing. The guide covers a number of important aspects, including punctuation usage, word choice, grammar, complex sentences, cliches, incorrect characters, weak words, negative words, adverbs use and other things needed to ensure a consistent tone and voice.

The plugin works by highlighting the parts of the text that it considers to be inconsistent with a certain style.
You can configure the highlights to appear as you type or after you’ve completed the text so you don’t get distracted by them while writing.

The findings are displayed in the box in the right part of the text editor (see the above image). In addition to displaying style issues, it also grades your text with a readability score and gives an approximate reading time, which could be helpful for content writers. The tool has received some good reviews from users, but if you still need a human proofreader or a style checker, you can use online tools like Trust My Paper.

3. Ensure that Your Text has Working Links with Broken Link Checker

Quality links are critical for quality text because they help to improve search engine ranking of your content (in fact, fixing links is one of the most important SEO tactics in 2019). Moreover, giving credit to others by providing links to their content when citing it is a professional and ethically sound practice.

Since content writers typically use a lot of links to third-party sources as well as their own pages, checking if the links work is a good practice. It helps to avoid broken links and 404 errors that reduce the quality of a reader’s experience as well as undermines your reputation in the eyes of Google.

To check your content for broken links, use the Broken Link Checker. The name says it all: the plugin scans your content – blogs, pages, and comments – for broken links and notifies you about them.

As a result, you can eliminate broken links and prevent the following problems:

By removing or updating the broken links found by the plugin, you can improve the SEO of your WordPress venture.

4. Improve SEO, Style, and Quality of Your Texts with SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant

SEMrush, a well-known SEO tool, has released an official plugin for writers that is essentially an all-in-one toolbox for writers. Here are some of the most useful features of SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant:

Note that in order to use the plugin, you need to sign up for a free account at SEMrush. As soon as your account has been created, you can configure the plugin by providing the information about your target keywords, locations. And devices used by your audience to read your content.

Wrap Up

As you can see, WordPress has some great plugins for writers, and they can definitely help you to improve the quality of your content by upping your SEO game, style check, and error monitoring. Feel free to give some of these a try and hopefully they’ll be a huge help in making your WordPress website a go-to information source for a lot of people!

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