Digital Updates , SEO ai in seo, artificial intelligence, google rankbrain, google search algorithm, rankbrain search, what is rankbrain
Danish Ansari 0 Comment 8 years agoOn October 2015, Google confirmed using Rankbrain (a search engine algorithm that was powered by an AI) for their search engine. Search experience for a common user changed very much after that, and it became more difficult for SEO experts to work and to rank their clients site on top and that’s how artificial intelligence transformed
Read More...Digital Updates google app, google latest update, google search algorithm, google update, whats new in google
Danish Ansari 0 Comment 8 years agoA few days back Google announced latest updates to its app. Google app cards will now be segregated into two different categories — one that includes current interests of the user and another for all the upcoming events. Google’s latest update to its app is proving to be worthy as now the user is having