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What is Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)? Complete Guide

What is Dynamic Application Security Testing, DAST, or Dynamic Application Security Testing, is a relatively new type of application security testing. It offers many benefits to businesses that are looking for more advanced forms of protection against cyber-attacks. The goal of this blog post is to give you an introduction to the different types advantages and disadvantages of DAST so that you can determine if it’s right for your business needs.

What is Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

DAST is an application security testing technique that allows businesses to gain visibility into the state of their applications’ security before they are attacked. DAST involves executing your web-based code within a sandbox where it can be scanned for vulnerabilities by automation tools or manual penetration testers.

Once detected, these flaws can then be remediated using widely available vulnerability management platforms like Veracode, Astra’s Pentest, and more. Instead of waiting until after a breach occurs and having to deal with data loss or damage, you will have the opportunity to identify any issues beforehand so that proper measures can be taken to avoid falling victim.

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DAST – What Is Its Importance?

DAST is important for businesses because it can help them identify vulnerabilities that they may not know about. When the application goes through normal use, these defects are likely to come out and expose themselves in one way or another. If you’re unsure whether your company should invest in DAST testing,

Here are some of its most common benefits:

What Is Automatic And Manual DAST?

DAST can be broken into two major categories: manual and automatic.

1. Manual DAST

Manual DAST involves having a human performing the software penetration testing of the application on their own to find any security vulnerabilities that may arise.

While this provides some unique insight, it is both time-consuming and difficult as testers need to manually identify issues within the code by themselves without access to additional tools or information sources such as threat intelligence feeds.

This makes finding problems very tedious and slow so they often don’t go through every line of source code like an automated tool would be able to do in less than half the time.

2. Automatic DAST

With automatic testing, there’s no longer a need for manual labor since you are essentially allowing your software to be tested by a machine. This type of testing is perfect for identifying vulnerabilities that may be difficult to find manually (such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection flaws).

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Additionally, it also allows businesses to test more applications in less time which can save them money in the long run!

Advantages And Disadvantages Of DAST

Many advantages come with using DAST technologies; however, there are also some disadvantages as well. Here’s what you need to know about each:

Advantages of DAST

There are several benefits associated with implementing or investing in an automated security testing solution like this one! Some of these include:

Conclusion: DAST

Having read this article, we hope the basics of DAST have been simplified and adequately explained for the benefit of every person who wants to audit their company’s cyber security.

The article has also detailed what manual and automated DAST is, along with the advantages and disadvantages of making use of it for your security testing purposes.


What are the advantages of dynamic application security testing?

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) offers several advantages in the realm of cyber security. Firstly, DAST provides a real-world simulation of cyber-attacks, offering a practical assessment of an application's vulnerabilities during runtime. Its comprehensive testing approach covers the entire application, including backend systems, APIs, and user interfaces.

What is the purpose of DAST testing?

The purpose of Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is to identify and assess security vulnerabilities in web applications by simulating real-world cyber-attacks during runtime. DAST helps organizations understand the potential risks, prioritize vulnerabilities, and fortify their applications against external threats.

What are the disadvantages of DAST?

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) has limitations, including limited code visibility, potential for false positives/negatives, and challenges in addressing source code issues. Its late-stage detection, manual configuration needs, and incomplete coverage for APIs and micro services are additional drawbacks.

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