Customer centricity of the businesses is taking the front-seat now. More than 85% of businesses are aiming to be customer’s favorite brands, based on customer service. Hence, the VOC is becoming a new trend of businesses. Let us explore what VOC is all about.
Yesterday, I went to purchase fruits from the store near me. When I reached home, peeled, and started to munch my fruit salad, I realized something. The quality was inferior as the fruits had an obnoxious smell. The next day, I complained about the product quality to the shop owner. Thus, requesting him to return the amount or offering a discount. Voice of Customer is my opinion about the faulty product to the shopkeeper.
It is the feedback that the businesses receive from the customers for their products or services. More than 50% of the customers want organizations to take action on the feedback. As a result, VOCs are becoming the strategic hinge for numerous business plans.
Working with the VoC and executing the business plans based is critical. Capturing the data, acting on them, and curating business plans is the key challenge.
Some of the major challenges faced while dealing with the VoC include:
The problem with feedback is, it raises a few eyebrows. It is considered a negative trigger for businesses. Due to such apprehensions, the negative feedback or signs are not captured properly. Therefore, these signs are generally ignored. In the longer run, they might erupt as a chain of social media tweets. Lack of a proper data capturing mechanism is a potential challenge for considering the VOC.
Survey is an essential part of understanding the moods of the customer. The right survey questionnaire works best to know the root cause of any mishap. But, superficial surveys that scratch the surface, and not dig deep, are a sin. As businesses often fail to capture relevant data, their operations collapse in the longer run.
Not poking with the business operations, and letting things continue as it is, is a major cause for the downfall. Giants like Nokia and Kodak are examples of the same. With the executives not looking forward to bringing about changes in the day-to-day operations, they often overlook the VOC.
The fear of criticism drives this escapist mentality in businesses. Training the executives to listen to negative feedback is an integral part of the development program that organizations should look into.
Voice of Customer Software ensures the ease of capturing the data related to the customer behavior, thus making it simpler for the business to turnaround their profitability and revenues.
The unfiltered reality of the customer sentiments and the key pivots, that are driving the bottom line, can be captured and worked upon. Moreover, with the help of technology, the product portfolio can be assorted as well, such that the cash cows should be given a lion’s share of the visibility.
If you are looking to drive your business beyond sales, and leverage real-time feedback, VoC software is a must to ride the industrial revolution 4.0.
Brand communication needs no special mention, when it comes to successful businesses. Making the customers believe that the brand is open to opinions, feedback and is listening to your problems, is an integral part of VOC.
Unleashing the newer channels of connecting with the customers to derive insights about the brand’s performance plays an important role.
Businesses need to appreciate the importance of customers. Capturing their feedback is gaining more importance, especially with the growing competition among the niche players. Treating your customers as future stakeholders and responding to their feedback in a constructive manner should be on the checklist for business owners.
Leveraging technology and driving the business operations using the voice of customer software is the call for the hour.
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