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How To Customize WordPress Site By Adding Custom CSS


Ravi Chahar January 19, 2017 at 7:38 am

Hey Danish,

I always prefer the inbuilt option. An option to add the custom CSS wasn’t there in WordPress before so I used to add a space in the WordPress theme itself.

While developing the WordPress themes, I always like to do everything using the codes. It’s easier than everyone things.

Plugins are not recommended. Every conflict occurs due to any plugin.

Danish Ansari January 19, 2017 at 11:06 pm

Hey Ravi,

That’s great to hear, even I prefer the inbuilt option but many non-techy people are afraid of messing with the CSS of the theme as they have fear of things going west. So the plugin option is a whole lot easier for them.

Although, 4.7 Vaughan made it much easier by adding Custom CSS box in Appearance itself. I think now people will show courage to experiment it.

Matthew September 11, 2017 at 7:04 pm

Another thing (faster than adding CSS to whole website) is using plugin like “Custom CSS Injector” (I was involved in it).